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Learn what to look for in a student wellness monitoring solution

The Securly Aware impact

75 M

activities analyzed daily

13.8 M

students safe


districts secure

Why do IT leaders love Securly Aware?

Securly Aware is an advanced AI engine that enables early intervention by analyzing students' online activities for signs of anxiety, depression, cyberbullying, self-harm, and potential violence.

Illustration of a document and icons of Google applications on top a funnel
Leverage AI-driven analysis as the first line of defense

Aware's nuanced AI analyzes student activity across social media, email, documents, conversational AI, and web browsing on any school device to detect any signs of distress and assigns wellness levels in real-time.

Illustration of a Securly specialist looking concerned as he gazes at the monitor screen, holding a coffee cup in one hand
Provide 24/7 alerts and rapid emergency notifications

Augmented by human analysis, Aware provides life-saving alerts through powerful AI as well as through human analysis, whether you want to get alerts 24/7 or only during school hours.

Mockup of windows displaying student reports
Deliver comprehensive case management

Empower school officials to easily manage student alert cases from creation to resolution, even with limited resources. Ensure that every alert is triaged, addressed, and followed up on, and no student slips through the cracks.

See how Securly Aware works

Learn more about student wellness monitoring

Why do student support teams love Securly Aware?

Securly's wellness monitoring, coupled with the preventative mental health screening, gives student services teams the peace of mind that they're identifying and helping students who need it the most.

Illustration of a student looking sad, along with a wellness meter that illustrates a range from critical to happy
Enable preventative mental health screening

Screenings identify signs of depression and anxiety well before student behavior raises an at-risk alert. Detect the earliest warning signs, and address student wellness issues before they escalate.

Illustration of a teacher waving hello from their desk, with student wellness report data floating above the monitor
Streamline documentation of student obervations

Aware's teacher AI assistant makes it easy for time-constrained educators to record observed student behavior. This combination of human insights with AI analysis provides a richer understanding of student wellness.

Illustration of a robot consoling a sad student
Automate student wellness intervention

Securly Aware presents students with mental health resources if their wellness levels decline, curbs cyberbullying by detecting potentially hurtful messages and comments as students are typing them, and prompts students to reconsider before sending them.

Use a Multi-Tiered Approach to Support Student Mental Health

Short on resources? Delegate alert management to our team of experts

Whether you want our help a few hours each day or around-the-clock, we're here for you. Let Securly On-Call's highly trained safety analysts support your student services teams by managing your student safety alerts.

Learn more about On-Call

Augment student support with our integrations

By integrating advanced AI with web filter data, student voice insights, and the support of safety experts, Securly Aware ensures that every student feels safe, secure, and ready to learn.
Securly Filter

Get additional context for Aware alerts and control over all devices—with our industry-leading CIPA-compliant cloud web filter.

Learn more about Filter
Securly On-Call

Enlist our trained student safety experts to analyze and validate alerts from Aware and escalate response—before things get worse.

Learn more about On-Call
Securly Rhithm

Equitably capture student voice, while helping your students develop self-regulation skills and get ready to learn.

Learn more about Rhithm

Securly Aware works across your devices and operating systems

  • Deploy on Chromebooks, iPads, Mac, and Windows
  • Scans Google Drive and Windows 365 suite
Three students, each using a different device—a Mac, a Windows laptop, and a Chromebook—while a teacher smiles
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